Monday 12 September 2011

Gone Quiet

The above is a blatant reference to one of my favorite episodes of 'The West Wing'. The term is used to refer to an American spy submarine that has entered enemy waters and has stopped sending or receiving signals. It has gone quiet.

And that is sort of how I feel at the current moment as I sit here at the airport waiting to board my flight home. I always go home during semester breaks and regardless of how many assignments and work I have pending, such days find me filled with happiness of the homecoming kind. This time however, I haven't told anyone that I’m coming. Coming home today that is. My folks think I’ll be turning up tomorrow. My Australian friends know the vague details - that I left Canberra at a certain time but they don't really know when my flight from Sydney is or what i'll be doing in the intervening time. No-one really knows my exact location as of right now. Of-course this has happened before, we don't always know the exact location of loved ones but I'm consciously registering this particular instance. It's a strange kind of feeling and one I've rarely had before. The beeping coordinates in my life made up of all the people I care to keep informed are still there on my map, I’ve just disappeared of theirs.

I'm sure it would be two parts liberating and one part ambivalent were it not for the fact I am currently in an Airport terminal. And I as I think about it some more,  I’ve haven't REALLY gone quiet and truth be told, it's sort of a relief that my existence is still being tracked. I'm still sending out some signals, even if it is to the blogosphere.This realisation is followed by another - that my title to this post is now totally redundant! Here's to not thinking your blog entry out :) But hey, at least it sounds cool. And whoever said consistency has to be maintained from start to finish in a written work has never been inside my brain. Back to my wonderful Commonwealth Constitutional assignment where I will continue to cause more havoc with inconsistent bullet points and unformatted headings. Oh, the horror! 

So here's to falling off radars...not really(see above) and if only for a while :)

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