Wednesday 22 August 2012

A Note from the Universe

"Touchdown confirmed. We are safe on Mars"

The latest landing on Mars is something that I'll remember for some time. It was one those moments that took me out of the daily humdrum and reminded me that there is quite literally a  whole universe out there. It was an incentive to disengage from my own life for a while, look up to the heavens and recognise that I am a part of something bigger - that I'm part of both the universe and the collective that is constantly trying to decipher it. That while there is so much that is unknown, there is so much that is. That everyday, we're pushing the borders. That humanity as a race is exploring, that we are still curious, that while we are reaching new peaks everyday, we are still seeking enlightenment. 

It's reassuring to know that while I'm blocking my diary with assignments and essays, there are engineers and scientists who are working on such projects. Thousands of individuals putting in so much effort to conquer yet another frontier. I personally can't thank them enough. Their work serves as a reminder that we've come so far. From once thinking that the earth was flat to rejecting the notion that it was the center of the universe. To discovering there is water on the moon. To landing on Mars a couple of times with the latest rover called 'Curiosity'. It's been quite a ride! 

"I like to think of them out there in the dark, watching us. Sometimes we'll do something and they'll laugh. Sometimes we'll do something and they'll cry. And maybe, one day we'll do something so magnificent, the whole universe will get goosebumps."

(A favourite excerpt that examines humanity from an alien's perspective. From "The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe' by Jane Wagner)

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